NerdWallet Plus!
Perhaps you’ve heard advertisements for, a website that promises to find, among other things, the best credit card offers based on spending habits and credit ratings. The website starts its offer with the following statements: “Finding the best credit card is part art, part science. No single credit card is better than all others […]
Record-Low Unemployment! Record-High Anxiety!
The national unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. In Colorado, the unemployment rate is even lower than the national rate. Great news! Right? If you’re looking to hire talented people, you’ve probably felt some pain trying to recruit in this 50-year record low unemployment climate. And if the employee-benefits package you’re offering hasn’t changed […]
Deal Junkies Always Need a Fix!
I’ve helped lots of clients sell their businesses, but before we got started many of those clients felt too overwhelmed to even begin the process. Many business owners are stretched by the normal, day-to-day demands of running a business, and adding a major project like an exit or succession transaction can be too much to even […]
Does Knowing Where You’ve Been Tell You Where You’re Going?
Whatever business you may be in, you’re probably an expert. You know what you offer and how to deliver it in ways your clients value. You know what it takes to make your clients happy. But when it comes to managing dollars and cents, does your expertise fall short? Many business leaders understand “doing” business […]
When Should You Bring in a Pro, Bro?
What’s the most important asset of your business? How about its biggest potential liability? The answer to both questions, for most business owners, is “people.” How can you protect your most important asset? What can you do to attract, qualify, train, energize, and retain the best people? While you’re doing that, how will you be […]